

Lidieth Macicek - Thursday, February 24, 2022

Finding an 赌lol比赛丰富的物业经理 for your 租赁单位 is one of the most productive things you can do as an investor to maximize income. But finding the most well-rounded professional who aligns with your values and goals is no mean feat. 

It takes an experienced investor to see through the big promises and marketing buzzwords agencies habitually use. 那么,你如何从炒作中脱颖而出,找到 合适的物业经理?

Simple: You identify them based on the following six qualities. 


每个人都必须从某个地方开始, but you don't want your 租赁单位 to test for an in赌lol比赛丰富的物业经理. You can gauge their level of experience by asking a few questions. 

  • “你以前管理过多少房产??"
  • "Have you experienced any trouble with certain tenants?如果有,你是如何克服这个问题的?"
  • “你怎么向租户收取租金??"
  • "What is your preferred software for keeping track of the rent/maintenance/contractor deadlines?"

It is important to take a holistic view of their overall experience instead of looking at the number of years under their belt. 例如,你应该考虑:

  • 赌lol比赛app的回报率
  • Have they handled 租赁单位s similar to yours?
  • 他们能找到租客来减少空置率吗?

Taking a look at the bigger picture will help you evaluate if they are a good fit for your 租赁单位. 


Managing tenants is an art form that requires a good combination of emotional intelligence and people skills. Your property manager will have to strike negotiations with the tenant in your favor without upsetting them. As a rule, the better their people skills, the better they will manage your 租赁单位. 

You can find gauge their people skills by having a one-on-one conversation with them. Take note of how they talk to you, how they make you feel, and how they make others feel. These skills will prove to be invaluable when dealing with complicated situations and uncooperative tenants. 


The government highly regulates the landlord-tenant relationship at both the state and federal levels. Breaching these laws can result in hefty penalties. This is why it is important to stay on the right side of the law while accomplishing your goals. An expert property manager will be able to lean on their acquired skill set to boost your bottom line and make sure that your 租赁单位 complies with the law. 

The property manager knows what they're doing and will help you avoid hefty fines and penalties. 


Property management is not an easy job by any stretch of the imagination. A successful manager needs to be patient with tenants who may be running behind on the rent, contactors who aren't' completing their tasks, 以及抱有不切实际期望的投资者.

When evaluating a property manager, try to look for someone who patiently hears you out. They will go above and beyond to provide you with great customer service. Try to decide if they will be able to handle stressful situations without losing their cool.


成功的物业经理 should have the natural ability to get others to listen and do as instructed. This may require a little aggression now and then (within a certain limit only - and context matters!). 

For instance, they will need to track down late payments and hold contractors accountable. The ability to be assertive (when needed) is an important trait when looking for a potential property manager. 


The best property managers are highly recommended by their clients. Also, a reputable property manager will always come with references to help you check. Don't be afraid to follow up on those references because a highly qualified property manager is proud to offer them. It is worth noting that new PMs may still be in the process of building their reputation, so you may want to relax your criteria somewhat for reputation. 

In any case, word of mouth does serve as a good indication of what other people are saying about the.


If you are looking for a property manager who can take over the duties of a landlord from you, 与我们联系 了解我们的专家如何提供帮助.  

图片来源: http://pixabay.com/photos/house-keys-key-the-door-castle-1407562/

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